OOP: Object Oriented Programming


  • Type, Primitive, Class, Instance, Generics
  • Variable, Function, Property, Method
  • Inherit, Override, Implement, Abstract


  • Encapsulation
  • Abstraction
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism


Hide the internal state

Encapsulation: Example

class Cat {
    private var lives = 9

    public fun die() {
        if (lives > 0) lives--
        else print("🙀💀")


Expose high level handles

Abstraction Example

class CoffeeMachine {
    private var isWaterHot = false
    private fun makeEspresso() { ... }
    private fun makeLatte() { ... }

    public fun makeCoffee(coffeeType: CoffeeType) {
        when(coffeeType) {
            Espresso -> makeEspresso()
            Latte -> makeLatte()


Extend an other Class

Inheritance Example

class Animal {
    fun eat() {
        print("nom nom")

class Cat : Animal {
    var isBored = false
    override fun eat() {
        if (isBored) {


interface FriendsDataSource {
    val url: String
    fun getFriends() : List<Friend>

class TwitterFriendsDataSource : FriendsDataSource {
    override val url = "https://twitter.com/friends"
    override fun getFriends() : List<Friend> {
        // request from Twitter

class FacebookFriendsDataSource : FriendsDataSource {
    override val url = "https://facebook.com/friends"
    override fun getFriends() : List<Friend> {
        // request from Facebook

Abstract class

abstract class FriendsDataSource {
    abstract val url: String
    fun getFriends() : List<Friend> {
        return emptyList()

class TwitterFriendsDataSource : FriendsDataSource {
    override val url = "https://twitter.com/friends"
    override fun getFriends() : List<Friend> {
        // request from Twitter

class FacebookFriendsDataSource : FriendsDataSource {
    override val url = "https://facebook.com/friends"
    override fun getFriends() : List<Friend> {
        // request from Facebook


Use the same code for different types

Polymorphism example

fun calculateTotalSurface(figures: List<Figure>) : Int {
    var totalSurface = 0
    figures.forEach { figure ->
        totalSurface += figure.calculateSurface()
    return totalSurface

SOLID principles

  • Single-responsibility: A class should have a single responsibility
  • Open–closed: open for extension, closed for modification
  • Liskov substitution: No changes when replacing objects by their subtypes
  • Interface segregation: Prefer several specific interfaces to a general one
  • Dependency inversion: Depend upon abstractions, not concretions

Other Principles

  • DRY: Don't Repeat Yourself
  • YAGNI: You Are Not Gonna Need It
  • KISS: Keep it simple, stupid
  • SSOT: Single source of truth

Going Further

  • Design Patterns (Singleton, Factory, ...)
  • Dependency Injection
  • Is Inheritance bad ?
  • Often prefer composition: "has-a" VS "is-a"
  • Entity Component System
  • OOP is not a silver bullet

Other Paradigms

  • Procedural Programming
  • Functional Programming
  • Data Oriented Design
  • Reactive Programming